Anesthesia and Reanimation


The discovery of anesthesia is one of the most significant advancements in the medical world, greatly contributing to the extension of human life.

The biggest challenge in the surgical treatmentof diseases was the pain patients endured. Those undergoing surgery were often restrained to prevent movement, suffering immense pain during the process. Many couldn’t cope with the pain shock and would die. The development of anesthesia methods allows patients to undergo surgery without feeling pain, leading to recovery.

What is Anesthesia? Anesthesia means numbness or loss of sensation.

Anesthesia is defined as the elimination of consciousness and pain sensation through certain drugs, allowing surgical procedures to be performed in a comfortable and safe manner. This state of induced sleep is reversible, complex, and differs significantly from natural sleep. The most important and beneficial aspect of anesthesia is its reversibility.

Anesthesia is primarily used for surgical procedures but can also be applied for diagnostic methods (MRI, CT, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Coronary angiography, Biopsy, etc.).

Who is an Anesthetist? Anesthesia is administered by a specialist doctor and an anesthesia technician. Anesthetists are individuals who have completed medical school and then specialized in Anesthesiology and Reanimation for five years.

The anesthetist ensures that the patient does not feel pain during and after the surgery, does not remember the procedure, and provides the necessary fluid and blood requirements.

Anesthetists are equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge and can provide advanced life support in intensive care units using high-level medical technology.

What are the Expectations of Your Anesthetist? You should not eat or drink anything for 6 hours before your surgery. Remove any dentures, glasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids before going to the operating room. In special cases, you can consult with your anesthetist. Before entering the operating room, all clothes are removed, and a clean gown is provided. All jewelry, accessories, nail polish, and lipsticks should also be removed.

What are the Methods of Anesthesia? The method of anesthesia is determined based on the patient’s health status, age, medical characteristics, and the type of surgery.

General Anesthesia In general anesthesia, patients are completely unconscious.

In adults, drugs are administered intravenously to induce unconsciousness; in children, they are often first given oral medication to calm them before being brought to the operating room. Then, anesthetic gases are administered through a mask to induce unconsciousness. Continuous gas is given via the lungs and intravenous drugs to maintain anesthesia.

Anesthesia is personalized. The patient’s age, type, and urgency of the surgery, existing diseases, and fasting duration are crucial in determining the anesthesia method. Drug dosages vary accordingly.

The duration of anesthesia can range from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the length of the surgery, examination, or intervention.

Regional Anesthesia This involves numbing a part of the body. Regional anesthesia is when only the arm, leg, or areas near specific nerves are numbed using local anesthetics.

The most common regional anesthesia methods are Spinal, Epidural, or a combination of both.

Local Anesthesia Used in minor surgical procedures, it involves numbing only the specific area. The operating doctor usually performs this procedure. However, if the patient needs to be calmed or vital functions monitored, assistance from an anesthesia specialist may be sought.

What is Epidural/Painless Childbirth? Nowadays, natural childbirth can be painless. When labor begins, upon the request of the mother, the anesthetist is notified. The anesthetist administers a sterile injection in the back and inserts a catheter to relieve pain. A patient-controlled analgesia machine tailored to the individual is provided for a more comfortable childbirth. This procedure poses no harm to the baby. Mothers can immediately hold their baby, and if a cesarean section is decided, the drugs administered through the epidural can facilitate the surgical procedure.


In the Biochemistry Department, various diagnostic tests and analyses are conducted, including:


  1. **Routine Biochemistry Tests**: These tests are part of periodic check-ups, pre-surgery assessments, employment-related health screenings, pre-marital screenings, and more. They are essential for evaluating overall health and detecting potential health issues.


  1. **Hormone Tests**: The Hormone Section focuses on tests related to infertility monitoring, thyroid hormone levels (which have a significant impact on metabolism), vitamin levels, and assessments for heart diseases.


  1. **Hematology-Coagulation**: This section includes comprehensive blood counts to diagnose and monitor bleeding and clotting disorders and to evaluate the effectiveness of anticoagulant medications.


  1. **Drug Levels**: Monitoring drug levels in the body is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of medications and avoiding potential toxicity or adverse reactions.


  1. **Tumor Markers**: These are substances, often proteins, produced by the body in response to cancer growth. Measuring tumor markers in the blood can aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer.


The hospital’s laboratory offers both emergency and routine lab services, operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results, the laboratory adheres to Laboratory Quality Standards. It conducts daily Internal Quality Controls for all tests and regularly participates in External Quality Control programs. These quality control measures are essential for maintaining high standards in laboratory diagnostics.

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