Uzm. Dr. Akaberk BÖRÜ

Dermatology and Dermocosmetic
  • İletişim

Öz Geçmiş

I offer 12 years as a medical practitioner, Including 51/2 years as a specialist In dermatology. I have trained in one of the largest hospitals in Turkey alongside a large range of specialties and have taken care of up to 90 patients per day.

Currently, I am working in a crowded city with a population of 15.5 million people, I am familiar with managing a large workload and busy working hours. Currently, I provide a general dermatology practice covering the full breadth of dermatology topics and surgical procedures related to them, as well as cosmetic procedures.

Throughout my career, I have maintained additional skills in emergency and acute medicine.

I have had extensive experience in teaching from the general population, up to military pilots, as well as medical professionals and students.

I am planning to work abroad to improve my skills and knowledge as well as learn about new cultures. I am interested in any opportunities to work either under an Area of Need post or via the specialist pathway.

İş Hayatı

Dermatology Specialist and Lecturer

Yeni Yuzy1l University, Private Gaziosmanpa a Hospital, istanbul, Turkey

Working full-time and on-call as part of a team of 3 dermatologists providing consultant dermatology services and cosmetical applications.

Servicing a population of 15.5 million people in the total city and approximately to

1 million people in the surrounding area.

As a lecturer in the medical faculty, have the opportunity to give lessons both in theoretical and practical parts of the dermatology,

Key Achievements:

• Working in a university hospital provides me with the latest technological facilities and gives me the opportunity to collaborate with the academic personnel

• Teaching the medical students about dermatology and their inquisitiveness

helps me to keep my knowledge up-to-dat

Dermatology Specialist

Gaziosmanpa a Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

servicing a population of 15.5 million people in the total city and approximately to 1 million people in the surrounding area.

working full time and on-call as part of a team of2 to 3 dermatologists providing consultant dermatology services.

Regularly seeing an average of 70 patients per day for both common and complex dermatological problems.

Key Achievements:

• Organized nevus screening hours for up to 15 patients per clinic, with free access to the general population to raise awareness of skin cancer.

• During the Covid-19 pandemic, I reupskilled in emergency medicine in order to provide additional cover emergency units, intensive care, and wards as a general medical doctor.


Dermatology Specialist

Oltu Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey

sc,vlc Ing .i population of 500 thousand people in the city and a further 200

thousand In the surrounding area.

working Full time and on-call as the sole dermatologist. Seeing up to 90 patients d.iily for both common and complex dermatological problems.

Providing cryotherapy and electrocautery services.

K y Achievements:

• Extensive teaching to general practitioners working in emergency service about dermatological emergencies and common dermatological diseases.

, Regular meetings for case review with pediatric doctors about common or rare pediatric dermatological problems.

, worked closely with infectious disease doctors due to an epidemic of Crimean­ Congo haemorrhagic fever in our location which was spread with ticks.

• I have worked several times in the emergency service in need of a doctor as a general practitioner apart from being a dermatologist.


Dermatology Trainee

Gt.ilhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

Servicing a population of 5 million people in the total city and it was the fundamental hospital in the military system.

Working full time and on-call.


Seeing up to 90 patients daily for generally rare dermatological problems

Provision of cryotherapy, electrocautery, phototherapy, Er:Yag laser and lontophoresis.

Key Achievements:


• Organi1ed nevus screening days for free to the general popula ion to raise

awarencr.s of skin cancer. We checked at leas 30 pa 1ents dallj1n nese clin c days.

• Teaching dermatology to up to 150 medical studen s per ear, including forma

lectures and teaching in clinic and on the wards,

• As part of my role all specialty training doctors in the hosp, a .vere egularly sslgned to the emergency service for 8 hours shift. This helped me to impro e my practice In emergency situations


General Practitioner and Aviation Doctor Military Alrba e, Malatya, Turkey

Full-time and on-call. Somedays I worked multiple days on continuous sn1hs

Working In a politically chaotic region in the world led m to encounter different situations as militarypersonn I.

Key Achievements:

• Taught first aid, family planning and se11ual education, and a at,on med,c1 e lessons to soldi rs, military staff, and pilots in different t mes and places

• As the airbase was located in a rural city, we also provided emergency help to

the civilian population.


Postgraduate training

Turkish Military

• emergency instructor training program

• basic and advanced military training

• aviation doctor training program


Student and Intern

Gulhane Military Medicine Academy, Ankara, Turkey

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