Ear Nose Throat


Ear Nose Throat

In our Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) department, diseases related to the sub-specialties of ENT are diagnosed and treated using the latest technological advancements.

Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) and Head-Neck Surgery

ENT Diseases

Diseases of the Auricle (Ear Pinna):

– Prominent Ears: A common aesthetic disorder in society. Children with this deformity, especially during primary school age, can face significant psychological problems due to teasing from other children. By the age of 6-7, the ear pinna reaches adult size, so surgery before school age is beneficial. In adults, both local and general anesthesia can be used, while general anesthesia is often preferred for children.

-Auricular Traumas: Injuries and detachments of the ear pinna can occur due to traffic accidents, burns, frostbite, fights, heavy earrings, etc. In such cases, it is crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible, ideally with the detached part. Treatment can involve reconstructing the ear pinna using cartilage and skin grafts from other body parts.

– Tumors on the Ear Pinna: Any long-standing wounds on the ear pinna that do not heal with treatment should be evaluated by a physician. Surgical treatment is often definitive for tumoral lesions in this area. Depending on the extent of the tumor, the ear pinna can be preserved, or reconstruction can be done using flap and graft techniques.

– Periauricular Cysts/Benign Tumors: Cystic lesions of different sizes can sometimes appear in front of or behind the ear pinna. Surgical removal is the treatment for these lesions.

External Ear Canal Diseases:

– **Infections**: This area is prone to infections by fungi, bacteria, and viruses, causing symptoms like ear blockage, pain, and itching. While some forms are easily treatable, others may require prolonged treatment or even surgical debridement.

– **Tumors**: Mostly benign bone growths called exostoses are seen. If they cause hearing loss or other issues, they can be surgically removed.

**Eardrum and Middle Ear Diseases**:

– **Middle Ear Infection**: Common in children but can occur at any age, causing pain and hearing loss. Most cases respond well to medication. If necessary, a procedure called a myringotomy can be performed, where a small incision is made in the eardrum to drain the infection.





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