IVF Treatment



In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a treatment method that significantly increases the chances of pregnancy for couples who have difficulties conceiving naturally or face substantial challenges in achieving a normal pregnancy. IVF involves the fertilization of female and male reproductive cells outside the body.

The world’s first successful IVF treatment was carried out in England in 1978. In our country, the first IVF baby was born through the efforts of Ege University in 1989. Today, many couples experiencing difficulties in conceiving turn to this method.

The groundwork for in vitro fertilization was established in 1971, and it has evolved continuously, shaping the modern techniques used in IVF treatments today.


Who is Suitable for the IVF Method?

In vitro fertilization techniques have continually advanced with technology, impacting the lives of many couples with innovative methods. All improvements are aimed at increasing the success rate of IVF and are based on addressing negative factors.

These developments include:

– Micro-TESE (testicular biopsy performed under a microscope).

– Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD, a technique for examining embryos and selecting healthy ones).

– Assisted Hatching (thinning the embryo wall with a laser).

– Freezing (the process of preserving embryos, sperm, and eggs in a frozen state for later use).

– Embryoscope (a technique that allows for the selection of healthy embryos by monitoring their development with a camera).

**First Step in IVF Treatment**

Couples who have had unsuccessful attempts at conceiving are first asked to share their experiences. Important details such as previous treatments, pregnancies, and miscarriages are gathered. Previous test results and notes will be reviewed by the doctor, including any surgical reports, sperm analyses, couples’ blood tests, previous treatment reports, uterine films (HSG), chromosome analyses, and reports on other illnesses. This information helps in organizing the IVF treatment process and determining when the treatment will begin.

**Reproductive Techniques**

– IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): This involves the artificial fertilization of eggs removed from the ovaries with sperm collected from the male outside the body. IVF is the preferred method when other infertility treatments have failed.

– ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection): This technique involves injecting sperm directly into the egg cell under a microscope.

Achieving successful results in IVF treatments is more likely with an experienced team and in a quality laboratory environment. The main factors affecting IVF success are the causes of infertility. For women with decreased ovarian production, the success rate of IVF treatment is about 15% lower. Women treated for ovulation problems have a 38% higher chance of success.

**Steps in IVF Treatment**

– Initial examination and assessment of the couple.

– Stimulating the ovaries and egg maturation.

– Collecting eggs.

– Obtaining a sperm sample from the husband.

– Performing IVF or microinjection (ICSI).

– If necessary, genetic testing of embryos.

– Embryo transfer.

– Pregnancy test.

**Who Is Eligible For IVF Treatment?**

Couples are considered for IVF if they have not achieved pregnancy despite having regular, unprotected sexual intercourse for one year. Necessary examinations are conducted, and couples are evaluated accordingly.

IVF may be suitable in the following scenarios:

– Insufficient sperm sample or quality for natural conception methods.

– Reduced ovarian reserve in women, despite not being of advanced age.

– Failure to conceive after 6 months of unprotected intercourse, especially considering the female age factor (over 38 years old).

– Endometriosis affecting the functioning of the tubes and ovaries.

– Ovulation disorders.

– Blocked fallopian tubes.

– Unexplained infertility despite normal test results.

**The Factor of Female Age**

As women age, the quality and capacity of the ovaries begin to decline. This reduction can vary from person to person. While menstruation is related to the presence of eggs, it does not necessarily indicate egg quality. IVF can be performed up to the age of 44 if ovarian capacity and functions, determined by hormone and other tests on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle, are suitable.

However, for women aged 38 and over, it is recommended to examine the chromosomes of the embryos with a genetic diagnosis procedure before embryo transfer.

The likelihood of natural conception decreases with the woman’s age. The healthy birth rate for women under 35 is around 40-45%, but for women aged 40 and over, this rate drops to around 10%.

**Causes of Failure in IVF Application**

Failures can occur at various stages of the treatment process. The causes of failure are often unknown.

Primary Causes include poor embryo quality, medication errors, incorrect embryo environment, and thickening of the embryo membrane.

Secondary Causes include uterine issues such as wall disorders, polyps, fibroids, immune system disorders, infection.

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